Ready to bake and not sure what you might need?

Here’s a list of some of my favorite tools of the trade.

A thermometer, scale, and Dutch oven are a great start. I’ve included other recommendations as you go further down the rabbit hole.


Materials List


A thermometer is very important for making bread. I like this one especially because it’s waterproof.


Infrared Thermometer

Alternatively, an infrared thermometer is very handy for sensing the temperature on things you can’t touch (like your baking stone or oven). This is the one I use now. You may eventually want one like this, if you plan on baking a lot of bread.


Digital Scale

You will need a digital scale that measures in grams. There are smaller, more affordable versions, which are fine. This one is my favorite. If you plan on making a lot of bread, this one is worth the investment.


Dutch Oven

A Dutch oven is helpful for baking heathy loaves in imperfect home ovens. They help trap steam and lever consistent heat around your loaf. This is my personal favorite because of its size and the handle on top.


Mixing Bowl

Any large mixing bowl is fine, but I love these because they are lightweight and big enough to mix lots of dough.


Bench Knife

A dough scraper (also called a bench knife) is a very handy tool. I like this style because of the way the curved handle fits my palm.

Plastic Scraper

Plastic scrapers also come in handy when cleaning up bits of dough out of your bowls.


Loaf Pan

A loaf pan is great for making sandwich breads, brioches, and babkas. USA pan are my favorite. Nothing sticks to them and they’re extremely durable. Their corners don’t tear up your breads like some lower quality pans do. I use the medium size.


Pizza Stone

High heat is important for baking pizza. A pizza stone can store heat and give you a hotter baking surface. In my opinion, the bigger the better, which is why I chose this one.


Pizza Peel

I jokingly call this peel “the show peel.” The wood grain is pretty, so it makes a nice backdrop for photos. It looks so lovely hanging in the kitchen. It also slides pizza in and out of the oven from time to time.


Baking Sheet

For focaccia, fougasse, ficelles, and cinnamon rolls too... any half sheet pan will do, but USA brand is the best.


Parchment Baking Sheets

Nothing is more irrational and irritating than rolls of parchment paper. Naturally, you want parchment paper to lay flat… in a roll, it curls up and will drive you to madness. Don’t let this happen to you. Pre-cut parchment sheets will keep you happy and sane. Plus, 120 of them will last you a long time. Imagine the serenity of having plenty of pre-cut parchment paper on hand... YES.



A lame is basically a special holder for a razor blade that baker’s use to score their breads. I prefer this one out of many I have tried. It’s easy to change the blades, and it holds the blade at an angle. This helps with slashing baguettes and batard. I like knowing my blade will not fall out and get lost since I have small kids.


Pastry Brushes

Pastry brushes will come in handy when making breads that are egg washed (challah and brioche). It will be needed when you branch into other areas of baking like pies, galettes, and croissants. I prefer natural hair brushes over silicone. These are soft and will not tear the surface of your baked goods.


Dusting Wand

This dusting wand is a fun and frivolous item. Is it necessary? No. Is it super fun way to sieve the finest dusting of flour? Yes. Do kids love it? Absolutely.


Proofing Basket

When you decide you want a proofing basket, this one is a nice option. It comes with a liner which is helpful.


Batard Proofing Basket

Here is a batard shaped banneton, if you decide you like making that bread shape.


Instant Yeast

If you are doing a lot of baking, you won’t want to buy yeast in packets anymore, Saf-Instant is available in 1 pound bags, and will last you a long time, it’s a much better deal than buying in packets.



I recommend King Arthur flour because it is good quality for baking breads. It’s also easy to find at most grocery stores. Even places like Target carry it.


Small Measuring Bowls

These tiny bowls are a very silly thing to spend your money on, but I thought they were a little too sweet to pass up. I like using them for weighing my small ingredients. Not for measuring, but it’s a great visual cue, as well.


Bread Knife

When you start making a lot of gorgeous crusty breads, you are going to realize your bread knife just isn’t cutting it. This Wusthof is a fantastic choice and worthy investment. I got mine when I had birthday money to take the sting out of the price tag.


Folding Knife

Alternatively, you may need a knife that can cut through bread and cheese when you take your loaves on a picnic. This is the best folding knife I have found. It’s amazing how well it cuts bread, and it’s extremely cute, in my opinion. It has brought so much joy to my life. It also comes in other colors.


Bee’s Wrap

I get asked about how to store bread a lot. A paper or plastic bag will get the job done just fine, but these beeswax fabric wraps are my favorite. They look beautiful and keep your bread soft. They are still breathable so they keep the crust nice. They’re overall better than plastic or paper since you can wash and re-use them <3



If you develop a fascination with making baguettes, you will eventually want a linen couche to proof them on.


Baguette Peel

If you end up making lots and lots of baguettes like me, this will be a great investment. It allows you to transfer proofed baguettes from your couche to your peel without damaging them.


Rolling Pin

A rolling pin comes in handy when rolling out cinnamon roll dough. These styles are especially handy for getting all the dough out to the same thickness, which impacts the final product. I have the 1/4 inch and 1/8 inch, but there are a variety of sizes and lengths for different needs. The 1/8 is great for pastry and pie crusts, as well, or any situation where uniform thickness is needed.



Okay, now you are really getting serious. Large plastic cambros are durable, food safe, and stackable. They seal super tight. When you need to store lots of special flours, make large quantities of dough, or keep a massive amount of sourdough starter on hand, you will start coveting weird things like cambro tubs. You can find these at a local restaurant supply stores as well.



My favorite aprons are made by White Bark Work Wear. I like that the cross-back style doesn’t pull on my neck no matter how many things I put in the pockets. White Bark aprons are made of sustainable hemp and come in beautiful colors. It doesn’t hurt that they are made here in California by my friend Charlie, who is a great guy too.